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City of Grant, Nebraska

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Board of Health

When do they Meet:  As Needed

Where do they Meet:  Grant City Hall

Consists of:  Four (4) Members (who shall be residents of the City of Grant)

Term:  One (1) Years

Compensation:  None

Minimum for Quorum:  Three (3) Members




It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to enact rules and regulations, which shall have the full force and effect of law to safeguard the health of the people of the city.  The board shall en­force the rules and regulations and provide fines and punish­ments for any violations thereof.  It may regulate, suppress, and prevent the occurrence of nuisances and shall actively enforce all state laws and city ordinances relat­ing to nuisances and matters of sanitation which affect the health and safety of the people.  The board shall regularly in­spect such premises and businesses as the City Council may direct.  The board shall be responsible for making such reports, prescribing such penalties, and performing such other duties as the council may designate from time to time.  All actions of the Board of Health shall be subject to the review and supervision of the council.


The Rules and Regulations Relating to Public Health, Department of Health of the State of Nebraska, is hereby incorporated by reference when the same are applicable to the city, in their present form and as they may hereafter be amended.


It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to work closely with the County Health Board, if any, in protecting the health and welfare of the residents of the city.