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Council Minutes - April 23, 2024



April 23, 2024


                Mayor Lisa Schmitt convened a meeting of the Council of the City of Grant, Nebraska in open and public session on April 23, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Notice of this meeting was given in advance by publication in the Grant Tribune Sentinel, the City’s designated method for giving notice, April 18, 2024, and members of the City Council and a copy of their Acknowledgment of Receipt and the Agenda are attached to these minutes.  Availability of the Agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were recorded while said meeting was open to the attendance of the public.

Mayor Lisa Schmitt announced the posting of the Open Meetings Act and its location.

Roll call:  Present Council members:  Bishop, Petersen, Sims, and Mayor Schmitt. Absent Council members: Brueggeman.

Others present:  City Superintendent Edward Dunn, City Clerk/Treasurer Jessie Faber, City Attorney Tawna Holmstedt, et al.

The motion was made by Bishop and seconded by Petersen to accept the agenda as presented.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Petersen to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2024 meeting as presented and waive the reading and seconded by Sims.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.


COMMUNICATIONS:  City Superintendent, Edward Dunn gave a Council packet procedure review. Dunn informed the Council of the upcoming board meetings, the tree board will meet tomorrow at 11:15 a.m. and then have the annual arbor day event with the fourth graders at 1:00 p.m., the park clean up day will be May 4th at 10:00 a.m., the library board will meet on May 8th at 5:15 p.m., the tree board will meet on May 10th at 2:00 p.m. and the cemetery board will meet on May 14th at 5:15 p.m. Dunn stated he did attend the County Commissioner meeting and more will follow on this later on the agenda. Dunn gave updates on the public works assistant position which Curt Garrison has been hired, the airport blue hangar project, the Babyland memorial stone has been placed at the Cemetery, the Cemetery upkeep, the public works will be beginning to get the sprinklers ready for the season, the CRA 245 Lincoln Ave grant update, a potential economic development referral reward program, Fast Forward Electric Systems will be doing an infrared scan of our electrical system, the public works employees are working on dugouts and shade structures, the baseball and softball teams have been finalized, Johnson Service Company just completed camera and cleaning some of the storm sewer lines and sewer lines, CSC Construction has began the street improvement project, the tree letters will be resent out after the City code is corrected from an error, contact has been made to schedule with the paint striping crew, the State of Nebraska will be replacing two panels in the crosswalk at fourth and Central, a planning commission meeting will be scheduled for the plat in the subdivision, and the nuisance abatement program review will be starting soon.



Council member, Petersen – none. Council member, Bishop – none. Council member, Brueggeman –none. Council member, Sims – none. City Superintendent, Dunn – gave an update on the library meeting.


FINANCIALS – Acknowledged as received.


PUBLIC COMMENT – Phil Calkins & Shari Briggs.



Action and Discussion on Adoption of the City of Grant Banner Policy and Banner Application – Discussion took place on the Adoption of the City of Grant Banner Policy and Banner Application. No Action Taken.



Action and Discussion on Hobby Chicken Permit – Matt and Chelsey Tines – A motion was made by Sims to approve the hobby chicken permit for Matt and Chelsey Tines and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.


Update and Discussion on Ballfield Area Purchase from Perkins County – City Superintendent, Edward Dunn gave the Council an update from the Perkins County Commissioners meeting on the potential of purchasing the Ballfield Area.


Action and Discussion on Potential Sidewalk Improvement Project – Discussion took place on a potential sidewalk improvement project. No Action Taken.


Discussion and Update on Nuisance Repeat Offender Program – Discussion and an update took place on the Nuisance Repeat Offender Program.  No Action Taken.


Action on Bills & Claims – AFLAC, employee benefits – 202.10; Aurora Cooperative, fuel – 32.98; Black Hills Energy, utilities – 693.63; Dutton-Lainson Company, capital outlay – 14,483.70; Ensz Hardware, supplies – 99.25; Jon Forney, tree board expense – 203.68; Golf & Sport Solutions, supplies & repairs – 3,986.58; Jen’s Crafty Crafts, donation expense and tree board expense – 620.00; Jirdon, chemical/pest control – 3,249.76; Ken’s Construction LLC, contract labor – 1,540.00; Kirkpatrick Masonry LLC, capital outlay – 11,000.00; MEAN, transmission charge – 101,815.85; Midwest Electric, materials & utilities – 706.24; Mutual of Omaha, employee benefits – 90.00; NCMA, dues & training – 140.00; Nebraska Printworks LLC, supplies – 8.61; Peaceful Prairie Nursery, Inc., tree board expense – 511.88; Perkins County Abstract, dues – 108.00;  Pinnacle Bank/Visa, dues & training, capital outlay, tech support/software, postage & supplies– 3,058.97; Potts Welding Service, curb & gutter – 1,260.00; Quality Diesel Inc., supplies & repairs – 115.00; Sandhills State Bank, employee benefits – 605.00; Shelco Asphalt and Paving, contract labor – 14,845.00; T.C. Engineering Inc., professional services – 3,390.00; Water Specialties, Inc., contract labor – 9,680.00; Western Resources Group, contract labor – 260.00; American Funds, retirement –1,195.92; Nebraska Department of Revenue, sales tax – 7,706.66; United States Treasury, federal tax withholding – 2,994.74; Overtime Wages 3/31-4/13 – 465.66. Total Bills and Claims 185,069.21.


The motion was made by Petersen and seconded by Bishop to approve the Bills and Claims in the amount of $185,069.21.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.


Bishop, Petersen & Sims reviewed the bills and claims prior to the meeting.


Mayor Lisa Schmitt adjourned this meeting of the Grant City Council at 7:56 P.M.




                                                                                              Lisa Schmitt, Mayor



Jessie Faber, City Clerk