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Council Minutes - August 22, 2023



August 22, 2023


                Mayor Lisa Schmitt convened a meeting of the Council of the City of Grant, Nebraska in open and public session on August 22, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.  Notice of this meeting was given in advance by publication in the Grant Tribune Sentinel, the City’s designated method for giving notice, August 17, 2023, and members of the City Council and a copy of their Acknowledgment of Receipt and the Agenda are attached to these minutes.  Availability of the Agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were recorded while said meeting was open to the attendance of the public.

Mayor Lisa Schmitt announced the posting of the Open Meetings Act and its location.

Roll call:  Present Council members:  Bishop, Brueggeman, Petersen, Sims and Mayor Schmitt. 

Others present:  City Superintendent Edward Dunn, City Clerk/Treasurer Jessie Faber, City Attorney Tawna Holmstedt, et al.

The motion was made by Bishop and seconded by Sims to accept the agenda as presented and to move agenda item Unfinished Business Item A directly after New Business Item A.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Brueggeman to approve the minutes of the August 21, 2023 meeting as presented and waive the reading and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.


COMMUNICATIONS:  City Superintendent, Edward Dunn informed the Council of the upcoming board meeting, the cemetery board will meet on September 7th at 5:15 p.m. Dunn stated he will be attending a MEAN meeting in Lincoln on September 7th.  Dunn gave an update on the downtown revitalization project.



Council member, Petersen – none. Council member, Bishop – none. Council member, Brueggeman –gave an update on the library board meeting. Council member, Sims – none.


SHERIFF’S REPORT – Acknowledge as received.


FINANCIALS – Acknowledged as received.





Action and Discussion on Request to be Placed on the Agenda – Marlin Wendell, Nathaniel Mustion – Discussion with Mayor, Council, and West Central Nebraska Development District on the Nuisance Ordinance Process – Nathaniel Mustion presented some ideas on the Nuisance Ordinance process.  No Action Taken.



Action and Discussion on Library Budget Presentation – A motion was made by Bishop to approve the Library FY 2023-2024 Budget and approve the franchise fees in the amount of $126,963.00 and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on Ordinance No. 23-07-01, an Ordinance for the Compensation of All Officers and Employees of the City of Grant for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2023, Through September 30, 2024; Repealing all Other Conflicting Ordinances and Conflicting Sections of Ordinances; and Providing for the Effective Date. (3rd Reading was on 08/08/2023) – City Clerk, Jessie Faber read the fourth reading of Ordinance No. 23-07-01 “An Ordinance for the Compensation of all Officers and Employees of the City of Grant for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2023, Through September 30, 2024; Repealing all Other Conflicting Ordinances and Conflicting Sections of Ordinances; and Providing for the Effective Date.”

A motion was made by Brueggeman to approve Ordinance No. 23-07-01, An Ordinance for the Compensation of all Officers and Employees of the City of Grant for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2023, Through September 30, 2024; Repealing all Other Conflicting Ordinances and Conflicting Sections of Ordinances; and Providing for the Effective Date and seconded by Sims.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Ordinance will be published in pamphlet form.


NEW BUSINESS (Continued):

Action and Discussion on Request to be Placed on the Agenda – Ken Kohmetscher/Ken’s Construction – Roll Off Boxes – The Mayor stated we will come back to later in the meeting when the Individual is available to present the request to the Council.


Action and Discussion on Request by Property Owner of Parcel ID: 680072411, Legal Description:      Lot 2, Westview Replat, a replat of five tracts of Westview Addition located in the SE1/4 of Section 11, Township 10 North, Range 39 West of the 6 th P.M., in Perkins County, Nebraska for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 40 Ft. by 60 Ft. shop for Tjaden Ranch Beef Business as Recommended for Approval by the City of Grant Planning Commission – A motion was made by Sims to approve the Conditional Use Permit to construct a 40 Ft. by 60 Ft. Shop and seconded by Bishop.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on License and Management Agreement between the City of Grant and the Perkins County Soccer Club – A motion was made by Petersen to approve the License and Management Agreement between the City of Grant and the Perkins County Soccer Club and seconded by Bishop.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – Bishop, Petersen, & Sims. Nays – none.  Abstain – Brueggeman.          Motion carried. 

Brueggeman stated that she is abstaining due to being a director with the Perkins County Soccer Club.


Action and Discussion on Ordinance No. 23-08-01 An Ordinance authorizing the City of Grant to enter into a Municipal Rental Agreement for the purpose of procuring the use of (1) 2023 CATERPILLAR 289D3 Serial #JX916484 with Bucket-Gp, Boce 84” Serial  #A4236BC20069 – City Clerk, Jessie Faber read the first reading of Ordinance No. 23-08-01 “An Ordinance authorizing the City of Grant to enter into a Municipal Rental Agreement for the purpose of procuring the use of (1) 2023 CATERPILLAR 289D3 Serial # JX916484 with Bucket-Gp, Boce 84” Serial # A4236BC20069”


Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-01, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-05, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (804 Garfield Ave.) – A motion was made by Brueggeman to approve Resolution No. 23-08-01, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-05, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (804 Garfield Ave.) and seconded by Sims.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.


Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-02, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-10, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (839 Sherman Ave.) – A motion was made by Bishop to approve Resolution 23-08-02, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-10, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (839 Sherman Ave.) and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.


Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-03, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-11, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (835 Sherman Ave.) – A motion was made by Sims to approve Resolution 23-08-03, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-11, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (835 Sherman Ave.) and seconded by Bishop.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.


Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-04, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-14, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (826 Sherman Ave.) – A motion was made by Petersen to approve Resolution 23-08-04, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-14, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (826 Sherman Ave.) and seconded by Brueggeman.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.


Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-05, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-15, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (812 Central Ave.) – A motion was made by Brueggeman to approve Resolution 23-08-05, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-15, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (812 Central Ave.) and seconded by Bishop.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.


Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-06, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-16, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (449 West 6th St.) – A motion was made by Bishop to approve Resolution 23-08-06, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-16, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (449 West 6th St.) and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.

Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-07, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-18, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (443 West 6th St.) – A motion was made by Sims to approve Resolution 23-08-07, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-18, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (443 West 6th St.) and seconded by Brueggeman.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.


Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-08, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-19, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (431 West 6th St.) – A motion was made by Petersen to approve Resolution 23-08-08, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-19, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (431 West 6th St.) and seconded by Bishop.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.


Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-09, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-20, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (423 West 6th St.) – A motion was made by Bishop to approve Resolution 23-08-09, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-20, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (423 West 6th St.) and seconded by Brueggeman.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.


Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-10, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-21, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (629 Sherman Ave.) – A motion was made by Sims to approve Resolution 23-08-10, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-21, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (629 Sherman Ave.) and seconded by Bishop.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.


Action and Discussion on Resolution 23-08-11, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-27, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (109 West 6th St.) – A motion was made by Petersen to approve Resolution 23-08-09, a Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska, Rescinding Prior Resolution No. 23-06-20, Declaration of Nuisance Properties (423 West 6th St.) and seconded by Brueggeman.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.

The Resolution will be published in pamphlet form.


Action and Discussion on Motion to Abate (821 Garfield Ave.) – A motion was made by Bishop to abate 821 Garfield Ave. and seconded by Sims.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on Motion to Abate (PID: 680005781 – Lincoln Avenue)(Legal Description:  The South 50 Feet of the West 140 Feet of the North 150 Feet of Lot 3, all in Block 2 of Pringle’s Addition to the Original Town of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska) – A motion was made by Sims to abate PID: 680005781 – Lincoln Avenue,  Legal Description:  The South 50 Feet of the West 140 Feet of the North 150 Feet of Lot 3, all in Block 2 of Pringle’s Addition to the Original Town of Grant, Perkins County, Nebraska and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on Motion to Abate (117 West 8th St.) – A motion was made by Brueggeman to abate 117 West 8th St. and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on Motion to Abate (838 Garfield Ave.) – A motion was made by Petersen to abate 838 Garfield Ave. and seconded by Brueggeman.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


The Mayor stated the Council will take a 5 minute recess.


Action and Discussion on Letter of Understanding of Services with AMGL for Audit of FY 2022-2023 – A motion was made by Brueggeman to accept the Letter of Understanding of Services with AMGL for Audit of FY 2022-2023 and authorize the Mayor to sign and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on FY 23-24 Budget Worksheets – Discussion took place on the FY 23-24 Budget Worksheets.  No Action Taken.


Action and Discussion on Adding General Tax Dollars to the Cemetery Budget – A motion was made by Bishop to approve adding general tax dollars to the Cemetery budget in the amount of $7,500.00 and seconded by Petersen.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on Setting the Proposed FY 2023-2024 Tax Asking for the Budget Hearing – A motion was made by Bishop to set the proposed FY 2023-2024 Tax Asking for the Budget Hearing in the amount of $316,000.00 for the General Tax Asking and $20,000.00 for the Pool Bond Tax Asking for a Total Tax Asking of 336,000.00 and seconded by Sims.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Action and Discussion on Approval of Reporting Tax Asking to County Clerk and Selection of Representative for Exceeding 2% Plus Real Growth Joint Public Hearing (if Necessary) – No Action Taken.


Action and Discussion on Request to be Placed on the Agenda – Ken Kohmetscher/Ken’s Construction – Roll Off Boxes – A motion was made by Sims to table the request to be placed on the agenda – Ken Kohmetscher/Ken’s Construction – Roll Off Boxes to the September 12th meeting and seconded by Bishop.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Action on Bills & Claims – AFLAC, employee benefits – 202.10; Black Hills Energy, utilities – 242.65; Brittany Brott, dues & training – 63.00; Capital Business Systems, Inc., supplies – 107.12; Country Supply, supplies – 391.81; Grant Rotary Club, dues – 82.50; High Plains News, advertising – 673.32; Ken’s Construction LLC, contract labor – 1,320.00; Edward Dunn, dues & training – 217.07; MEAN, transmission charge – 112,819.32; Midwest Electric, utilities – 567.99; Mutual of Omaha, employee benefits – 108.00; Municipal Code Services, code maintenance – 510.00; O’Donnell & Holmstedt, P.C., L.L.O., professional services – 5,875.00; Pinnacle Bank/Visa, postage, & supplies – 150.56; Sandhills State Bank, employee benefits – 605.00; Utility Service Co., Inc., water tower contract – 3,175.98; West Central Nebraska Development District, professional services  - 2,328.00; American Funds, retirement –1,092.04; Nebraska Department of Revenue, sales tax – 9,228.96; United States Treasury, federal tax withholding – 3,686.77; Overtime Wages 7/30-8/12 – 559.46. Total Bills and Claims 144,006.65.


The motion was made by Brueggeman and seconded by Bishop to approve the Bills and Claims in the amount of $144,006.65.

Roll call vote:  Yeas – all present. Nays – none.  Motion carried.


Bishop, Brueggeman, Petersen & Sims reviewed the bills and claims prior to the meeting.


Mayor Lisa Schmitt adjourned this meeting of the Grant City Council at 8:21 P.M.




                                                                                              Lisa Schmitt, Mayor



Jessie Faber, City Clerk