Council Minutes - July 26, 2022
JULY 26, 2022
Council President Andrea Brueggeman convened a meeting of the Council of the City of Grant, Nebraska in open and public session on July 26, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. Notice of this meeting was given in advance by publication in the Grant Tribune Sentinel, the City’s designated method for giving notice, July 20, 2022, and members of the City Council and a copy of their Acknowledgment of Receipt and the Agenda are attached to these minutes. Availability of the Agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were recorded while said meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
Council President Andrea Brueggeman announced the posting of the Open Meetings Act and its location.
Roll call: Present Council members: Bishop, Brueggeman, Petersen, and Sims. Absent: Mayor Schmitt.
Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Jessie Faber, City Attorney Tawna Holmstedt, et al.
The motion was made by Bishop and seconded by Petersen to accept the agenda as presented.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Sims to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2022 meeting as presented and waive the reading and seconded by Petersen.
Roll call vote: Yeas – Brueggeman, Petersen & Sims. Nays – none. Abstain – Bishop. Motion carried.
COMMUNICATIONS: City Clerk/Treasurer, Jessie Faber stated the council may review the communications that the City Superintendent included in the Council packet. Also Faber asked for a few dates for the public hearing for the fiscal year 2022-2023 budget statement and will send to AMGL, P.C. Faber will ask AMGL, P.C. out of the two dates, August 31st or September 7th, which date works best for the public hearing.
Council member, Petersen – none. Council member, Bishop – none. Council member, Brueggeman –gave an update of the library board meeting. Council member, Sims – none.
FINANCIALS – Acknowledged as received.
Action and Discussion on use of Golf Course Insurance Proceeds – Jeff Skeels with Hometown Agency was present to present information on the Golf Course insurance proceeds for hail and wind damage.
A motion was made by Bishop to allow the City Superintendent, Edward Dunn, to prepare the bid specs and go out for bid for the damage at the golf course and seconded by Petersen.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
Action and Discussion on Designation of ARPA Funds – A motion was made by Bishop to table the designation of ARPA funds to the next Council meeting and seconded by Petersen.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
Action and Discussion on Library Budget Presentation –Library Director, Robin Quinn and Library Assistant, Val Foster presented the budget and answered questions that the Council had on the budget. A motion was made by Bishop to approve the Library Budget as presented and seconded by Brueggeman.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
Action and Discussion on Request to be Placed on the Agenda – Ballfield Improvement Proposal – Chris Fryzek – Chris Fryzek presented the request to be placed on the agenda for Ballfield Improvement Proposal and answered any questions. No Action Taken.
The Council President stated the Council will take a 5 minute recess.
Action and Discussion on Ordinance No. 22-07-01 Compensation of All Officers and Employees (First Reading) – City Clerk, Jessie Faber read the first reading of Ordinance No. 22-07-01 “An Ordinance for the Compensation of all Officers and Employees of the City of Grant for the Budget Year October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023; Repealing all Other Conflicting Ordinances and Conflicting Sections of Ordinances; and Providing for the Effective Date.”
Action and Discussion on Continuation of the Economic Development Program – A motion was made by Sims to add to the economic development program a termination clause for committee members and look into if Loan Program should be stated as “Program” and seconded by Petersen.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
Action and Discussion on Amended Contract for Electrical Construction Services with Potts Electric LLC., as prepared by Specialized Engineering Solutions Related to the Grant Downtown Revitalization Project – A motion was made by Bishop to go into executive session due to potential litigation and to include the Council Members, City Attorney, City Clerk/Treasurer and seconded by Sims.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
Entered Executive Session at 9:15 pm.
Exited Executive Session at 9:30 pm.
A motion was made by Brueggeman to come out of executive session and seconded by Bishop.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Bishop to not accept the amended contract for electrical construction services with Potts Electric LLC., as prepared by Specialized Engineering Solutions related to the Grant Downtown Revitalization project and seconded by Petersen.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
Action and Discussion on Award of bid for the Rehabilitation of Sewer Lift Station No. 2 – A motion was made by Petersen to award the bid for the Rehabilitation of Sewer Lift Station No. 2 to Midlands Contracting in the amount of $187,827.00
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
Action and Discussion on FY 2022-2023 Budget Worksheets – A motion was made by Bishop to table the FY 2022-2023 Budget Worksheets to the next meeting and seconded by Brueggeman.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
Action on Bills & Claims – AFLAC, employee benefits – 178.64; Boss Doors Inc., supplies & repairs – 3,050.00; Comfort Inn, dues & training – 192.00; CSC Construction, capital outlay – 78,086.25; Deluxe Business Products, supplies – 127.93; Eakes Office Solutions, supplies – 101.05; Grant Rotary Club, dues – 103.50; League of NE Municipalities/Utilities Section, dues & training – 55.00; MEAN, transmission charge – 110,981.78; Martin Building Systems LLC, supplies & repairs – 1,120.86; Midwest Electric, utilities – 530.20; NE Safety & Fire Equipment Inc., dues – 380.00; Nebraska Public Health Environmental, lab & well tests – 87.00; Principal Life Insurance Company, employee benefits – 144.90; Southwestern Equipment Co., supplies – 121.98; Van Diest Supply Co, chemicals – 1,010.75; Western Resources Group, contract labor – 390.00; American Funds, retirement –1,623.05; Nebraska Department of Revenue, sales tax – 10,631.16; United States Treasury, federal tax withholding – 6,220.21; Overtime Wages 6/26-7/16 – 1,027.75. Total Bills and Claims $216,164.01.
The motion was made by Bishop and seconded by Petersen to approve the Bills and Claims in the amount of $216,164.01 excluding the Potts Electric payment in the amount of $69,813.00.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Bishop to approve the Bills & Claims from Potts Electric up to $77,570.00 once we retain the certificate from the architect and seconded by Petersen.
Roll call vote: Yeas – all present. Nays – none. Motion carried.
Bishop, Brueggeman, Petersen & Sims reviewed the bills and claims prior to the meeting.
Council President Andrea Brueggeman adjourned this meeting of the Grant City Council at 9:42 P.M.
Andrea Brueggeman, Council President
Jessie Faber, City Clerk